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Old 07-11-2014, 02:14 PM   #167
OVR: 15
Join Date: Aug 2010
Re: LeBron James: I'm coming back to Cleveland (OFFICIAL)

Some Heat "fan" just posted this on a Cavs forum

I just wanna say congrats Cleveland, as you FINALLY have something to cheer for, albeit a washed up, past his prime "Superstar". I want to personally thank all of you for lending us your precious home grown hero to us for 4 years, the two title parades we had were fantastic. When was the last time you guys had one? oh yeah.. 1964 LOL. He couldnt win in your city, with your team, so he had to come to where the real winners are. You can have him back, we got what we wanted out of him. I was hoping he wouldnt resign, the last thing I want is another washed up performance from "The King". Its funny how everyone on this board is so happy and thrilled hes returning, instant title talks, LOL, you people do realize hes 29, and past the prime of his career. his PPG has reduced considerabaly year by year. But, like i said, from a city that hasnt celebrated being on top in 50 years I guess this is practically like winning a championship. LOL. You people are pathetic. HEAT NATION STAND UP! SO HAPPY WE GOT RID OF A PAST HIS PRIME LEBRON, HES YOUR PROBLEM NOW.
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