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Old 07-15-2014, 11:09 AM   #19
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Re: Pharrell Williams to Curate NBA 2K15 Soundtrack - Official Cover Art Revealed

Ah, this thread will be entertaining - it's early and hasn't disappointed so far

Personally I like the music choice; Pharrel's one of the more talented and respected young artists/producers out there. He's produced for quite a few artists across genres so I think the soundtrack will be pretty diverse.

The cover shot of Durant I'm okay with, but thought they could've used a better action shot - or perhaps something showing more emotion (this means they've removed player emotion from the game!!! /sarcasm). Not a big deal either way

As far as people dissing the soundtrack ALREADY - it's expected. 2K had Kurtis Blow's old school "Basketball" for 2K12 and there were people around here hating on that. Not much 2K can do to appease some people at this point
HBO's "The Wire" should rank as one of the top 10 shows EVER on tv - period

XBL gamertag: d0meBreaker22 (that's a zero)

congrats Steelers, city of Pittsburgh, and Steeler Nation - SIX TIME WORLD CHAMPS

Last edited by spankdatazz22; 07-15-2014 at 11:12 AM.
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