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Old 07-18-2014, 07:01 PM   #69
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Developer Livestream Starts at 4:30 PM EST, Watch it Here

Originally Posted by goravens2052
Oh I know, I'm just saying it seems this game is for the die hard fans for once. It' just something I can see happening where the casuals complain that they can't score and they hate the game because of it.
And this is where EA needs to ignore them. They've gone that route and it has not worked and the game is still working its way out of hell. They try to gain casuals and turn off core gamers and they will not win because they'll alienate the very people who WOULD be there for the long haul. The casual guy is not going to be there for the long haul. There will be plenty of items in the game for the casual person but they need to make sure they don't succumb to a voice that is not going to be around after one month. They've done that too much and even the diehards start looking elsewhere after about two months. So they've done enough babying and it hasn't worked out great.
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