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Old 07-19-2014, 08:23 PM   #284
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countryboy's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Developer Livestream, Watch it Here

Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Personally, I simply want to see these conflicting issues. "Show me rather then tell me."

Any type of footage with true step implemented for all 22 players would be great, along with a coder/programmer highlighting what the conflicts are. A tech demo, anything. Would rather see them keep true step fully implemented and have team Madden huddle up and work out the external kinks. Clean up or remove the "external surroundings" to what's not allowing 22 true steps to work simultaneously.
Why would any video game company/developer release a video to the public that shows their product with "issues/broken"?

No video game developer or any company for that matter is going to release a video or market their game with known issues. That would be silly.
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