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Old 07-22-2014, 03:08 PM   #157
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Madden NFL 15: Top Rookies

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Possibly. Communicating this correlation - strength to weight - to the user is going to be difficult, which is my main concern here. Just putting an equation behind it to govern the relation doesn't communicate to the player why his 90-STR running back isn't running effectively through 350-lb DTs with STR 75 or whatever. On its face, I would expect by 90 STR player to overpower a 75 STR more often than not because, well, 90 is greater than 75 (rocket science! :-P).

Regarding BOLD A:

You're really not giving people credit for understanding common sense real-world principles. The physics are based on real life. People understand how physics work in real life without knowing the math. I know I can't run through a wall. I also know I can't easily knock down a person that severely outweighs me.

People understand that. Realistic concepts like this aren't hard to communicate because if it accurately models real life (like it should), then it's basically self-explanatory. You try to run into a fat guy with Dexter McCluster, and you get wrecked instead. Guess you won't try that again.

Regarding BOLD B:

I don't understand how you wouldn't understand that pretty much no RB in the NFL "runs effectively" through a 350 lbs DT. It just doesn't regularly happen, anyone who watches football on Sundays even once in awhile would never expect that to happen even once. For the record, I also can't plow a VW Beetle through a dump truck, just in case you were wondering.

Last edited by Robrain; 07-22-2014 at 03:16 PM. Reason: Adding eyeroll smiley
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