You're really not giving people credit for understanding common sense real-world principles. The physics are based on real life. People understand how physics work in real life without knowing the math. I know I can't run through a wall. I also know I can't easily knock down a person that severely outweighs me.
People understand that. Realistic concepts like this aren't hard to communicate because if it accurately models real life (like it should), then it's basically self-explanatory. You try to run into a fat guy with Dexter McCluster, and you get wrecked instead. Guess you won't try that again.
I don't understand how you wouldn't understand that pretty much no RB in the NFL "runs effectively" through a 350 lbs DT. It just doesn't regularly happen, anyone who watches football on Sundays even once in awhile would never expect that to happen even once. For the record, I also can't plow a VW Beetle through a dump truck, just in case you were wondering.