08-04-2014, 03:01 PM
Five Becomes Four
OVR: 45
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Culver City, CA
Posts: 21,509
Re: Madden 25 - PS4 FBGratings Roster Project
It's going to work exactly how the old NCAA Football roster files were all created. One person starts by editing the ratings for a subset of the teams first; example, I start by editing the entire NFC East. I then post the file to my EA Locker. You then download my file, re-rate the entire NFC West, and post that new file to your EA Locker, which I then download to update the base file.
Basically we play hot potato with the roster file until it is done. If there's an external save editor for PS4 game saves that would be fantastic, but as far as I know that doesn't exist.