08-05-2014, 12:56 PM
OVR: 13
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: In a van down by the river!!!
Re: Which NCAA Football game is the best??
My top 5 (best to worst)
1. NCAA 07: This was the last one I bought on the ps2. If I remember correctly it had player suspensions and schools getting placed on probation. That alone made it great for me. I got NCAA 08 for the ps3 but rarely played it because I loved 07 so much.
2. NCAA 14: The game is not all that bad once you get past year 4.
3. NCAA 09: I loved the wide open game play that many hated. Still my best 4 years of a dynasty were in that game when I got a 3 star QB that turned into a stud.
4. NCAA 05: I remember 05 for the NCAA and Madden series as being really good games. This was right before the focus turned to the ps3/360 systems.
5. NCAA 99: This was my 3rd year with an NCAA game but I had only played 97 and 98 now and then. 99 was the first year I got really involved in the game and the dynasty mode.
Relax, it's just a video game!