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Old 08-06-2014, 04:12 PM   #152
mmorg's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 - Connected Franchise Deep Dive

Originally Posted by Sheba2011
ESPN (and the actual lawsuit) disagrees with you:

"Though names are not visible on player jerseys in the video games, the lawsuit contends EA Sports intentionally circumvents the prohibitions on utilizing student-athletes' names by allowing gamers to upload entire rosters, which include players' names and other information, directly into the game in a matter of seconds."
That might be what the lawsuit says from the prosecution's perspective, but what did the judges actually legislate their decisions on? Find that and get back to me. It has been ruled in numerous courts, and is displayed evidently in games like OOTP and FOF, that people do not own the rights to their names and only their likeness.
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