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Old 08-07-2014, 06:02 PM   #158
thedream2k13's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K15 MyLEAGUE Interview

Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Umm it's a safe bet playing offline has become a thing of the past. Maybe a few thousand (5-6000) folks might play offline....but there's millions of folks who live in 2014 and have access to the internet are big time sports fans and would presumably be interested in ONLINE modes that cater to them.

I'm finally happy offline association gets the mode its fans have been asking for on OS for quite some time now, but lets not get things misconstrued here, YOU GUYS ARE NOT the majority and never will be when you break down the demographics of folks that play NBA 2K.
Man just go back to your crew threads in the other forum. If this mode isn't for you then don't post anything. U cried for crew and got it AND YET here you are

fighting for truth, justice and SIMULATION gameplay
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