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Old 08-08-2014, 12:55 PM   #114
Unlucky 13
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Connected Franchise Videocast with Josh Looman

Regarding the notion of taking things out and then adding them back in, I think that the issue is partly one of perception. I, as a gamer who soley plays offine franchise and wants a sim experience (ideally a GM simluator, essentially), am frustrated by this as much as anyone.

However, as customers, we see Madden as one continuous game from the early 90s to today. However, my guess is that those who make the game don't see it that way. They only see it in terms of their current team, or the current generation of consoles being developed for, and so what we as players had on the PS2 7 or 8 years ago, and however many development teams ago, has no factor at all in what they see as a "new feature".

I may be wrong, but thats my opinion. Whats an "old feature" that we once had and enjoyed isn't old to them.
Anyone who claims to be a fan of two teams in the same pro sport is actually a fan of none.
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