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Old 08-11-2014, 11:15 AM   #18
GingaNinjaUNC's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Re: Looks Like No Madden NFL 15 Demo?

Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
The only thing that'd make this better is if they say no demos for any games this year. (Meaning it was a business decision to cut it). Because if it's JUST Madden, then that scares me that the game isn't where it needs to be. And that'll be more than sucky.
But they've already put out a demo for UFC. I know it's not exactly the same because that was their first and not a yearly thing, but at the same time, the UFC demo was pretty lackluster and turned a lot of people away. Every stream they say this is the best Madden ever, so it's just weird that this is the year they would decide to not have a demo.

And if it is a case of no demos for any games, then that scares the hell out of me for NHL, where we have seen ZERO actual gameplay with less than a month til release.
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