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Old 08-12-2014, 12:46 PM   #235
kehlis's Arena
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Re: CONFIRMED: No Madden NFL 15 Demo

Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
NHL is one of those games where it could entice a fringe hockey fan to get the game. Madden, most of their sales were people that were gonna buy it regardless. Hockey itself doesn't have as big of a hardcore fanbase, so any tool to help bring in the fringe fan would still be used.

That's my opinion anyway, someone else might think I am talking out of my ***, but it makes a bit of sense from a business standpoint to me anyway.

Nope, spot on and that's pretty much my point.

I expected a demo for nhl because of the reasons you mentioned and because this is their first game this gen.

Madden had none of those reasons.

Point being, both games have reasons either to release a demo or not to none of which have anything to so with EA access. If that were the reason for no demo ea would be consistent across the board.
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