IGN went hands on with WWE 2K15, and the results of the early play session seem to be pretty impressive.
- WWE 2K15 feels 'different'. It's a 'wrestling sim'.
- Grappling system is more realistic. You won't be opening up matches with DDTs anymore.
- Striking system is more deliberately paced, more in line with how people really punch and kick.
- The four intermediary grapple stances are gone. Once you’re out of the opening chain-wrestling phase, you just press or hold the grapple button along with a direction to launch right into a move.
- The rings are characters are now properly scaled which results in believable pacing for Irish whips, running the ropes, etc.
- A new stamina system will punish players who move too much to avoid attacks. You will see wrestlers get burnt out.
All in all, it reads like the game we'll be playing this fall will be a whole heck of a lot more like the TV events we see every week -- and that means it sounds like the game and series may have finally taken a crucial step in the a new, meaningful, and right direction.