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Old 08-15-2014, 07:22 PM   #106
OnlookerDelay's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Rock Hill, SC
Re: The Golf Club Arrives on Xbox One & PC on August 19th $34.99, PS4 Later This Mont

Originally Posted by jrider99
Fantastic. That should really make the next 8 hours fly by. I guess I'll pass the time by checking out some user created courses and decide which ones I want to download and play. I'm sure there are some good ones out there already.
I'll recommend my favorite: Autumn Ridge G.C. (make sure you put the "G.C." at the end of it because there a multiple Autumn Ridge courses). A guy named Joe Habiger created it and I think "joe" is in his Steam name, which will be attached to the course. Joe has a history of quality courses spanning several golf games over the last 15 years.

It's not the most ostentatious course you'll find for The Golf Club, but it looks like something you'd expect to play in real life. It's somewhere between easy and medium, in difficulty. Another aspect of August Ridge G.C. is the design is so fluid, the game engine supports it without a hiccup. I always got the fastest frame rates on this course (although this *shouldn't* be an issue on the consoles) because if it's naturally seamless design.

I envy you for the task that lies ahead of you tonight
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