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Old 08-18-2014, 11:42 PM   #42
CaptainSuperman's Arena
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Re: NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

Originally Posted by Trevelyan
I don't know what to say. If they come out this week and team play is in the game, it'll be a shock to everyone. They prioritized a bunch of stuff like commentary and crowd animations over critical game modes like EASHL and GMC. Bottom line, they let us all down.

However, this seems to be the direction EA is heading with all their games, so it is what it is.
That is what everyone was crying over the past few years. Oh, and game faces. HAVE to have those game faces in

At this point you really can't say EA isn't listening cause that is at least 70% of what the topics on the board are about after the yearly release comes out, until they announce the next year's game. It's whining about commentary (which everyone now say's sucks now that they heard it) and game faces. So, careful what you wish for.
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