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Old 08-20-2014, 12:17 AM   #231
Gameplay Director, NBA2k
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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Re: NBA 2K15 New Shot Meter Explained

Originally Posted by Blzer
Maybe a stupid question, but why did basketball games go away from the crosshair FT shooting? I know 2K never really had that (in fact, they had a nice one that involved trigger pressure that was also ditched), but I feel like that wasn't necessarily totally broken or abusive if it was set up difficultly enough.
for every person that liked the trigger pressure FT shooting, there were another 10 that hated it. We actually experimented with an angry bird type FT shooting system a few years back and it was pretty fun. The main problem with any mini-game like that is that people either got it (and mastered it) or people couldn't do it to save their lives. I personally love our current FT shooting mechanic... simple to understand and users have a decent amount of influence over the outcome without skewing too wildly from real life stats. If somebody proposed another way to do free throws that could accomplish the same results, I'd be open to changing it though.
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