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Old 08-24-2014, 04:24 AM   #335
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: Madden NFL 15 Video - Simulated Season Stats

Originally Posted by PacMan3000
I'm surprised people are so up in arms about this issue--this is nothing new. In M25, I can't quite remember if stats were off, but I definitely remember my offline CFM had, after five seasons, Andrew Luck on the Jags and Russell Wilson (who won two Super Bowls in Seattle), on the Chargers. Kaep was a Falcon.

I find this stuff to be far worse than stats. With that said, I can't think of any franchise mode (Madden or 2K) I ever played that had 31 other independent teams run by the CPU behave as they should. Same goes with progression and regression. We used to complain that players never, ever regressed. Now it's too much.

I'm not saying it's acceptable--it's not. It's actually ridiculous. I'm just saying, when has franchise mode stats and CPU logic ever been great or relatively spot on? There's always something wonky going on.
You're surprised people are upset that a major feature doesn't work properly? Why should I give EA my $60 to get a broken game mode that I enjoy the most out of the series?
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