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Old 08-26-2014, 10:17 PM   #70
OVR: 17
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NBA 2K15: Tweet From Scott O'Gallagher Claims 1-3-1 and Charge Cheese Eliminated

That's great the devs improved the charge mechanics. Hopefully they get the most annoying charge call right this year. The one when your player comes down with a def rebound and before you can even a dribble or pass the ball you get hit with a charge. If you play on 2k cam, the cam doesn't even flip.
This mostly happens after a missed free throw.
After your opponent misses the free throw he pushes the LS forward and taps the charge button. You have no time to avoid the defender. This should be a backing fouls but for some reason in 2k it consider a charging foul.
That has been called the incorrect way in 2k for a long time and it's a bit frustrating. Hopefully they get right this year.

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