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Old 08-27-2014, 03:33 AM   #267
HozAndMoose's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Kansas City
Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Originally Posted by ulua
Ok, So for last gen I bought Madden and NCAA for the 360 as I felt the controller, player felt more responsive, even when navigating around the menu it was almost instant reaction, where as the PS3 had a lag.

So last year I went out and bought the PS4 at launch with Madden, and also noticed lag. I eventually bought an Xbox one thinking I would by Madden for the Xone, as I always felt it was a smoother game play.

So I went out today and got madden for the Xbox one and was all excited and only to be let down, that the Xbox one version felt laggy on game play and navigating thru the menu screen. Also on normal speed the game felt really slow.

I decided to purchase the electronic download version for the PS4 to compare, and boy was I amazed that not only was navigation thru the menu responsive the game was also responsive like it should be, game play on normal also felt how it should.

So my question is,
is the PS4 version more responsive because the game is running 100% from HDD and not from media like my XBOX one? or is the PS4 version just better regardless of the game being run off from the HDD or media?

You dont run anything off the disk on Xbone or PS4 for that matter. All games install to the HD and run off of that after.
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