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Old 08-27-2014, 11:08 AM   #18
Just started!
OVR: 0
Join Date: Aug 2014
I don't like it all so far.
The "improvements" they made appear to be nothing most sim players have any need or desire for.

Improvement are mostly making something easy (playcalling) a pain in the butt for no reason. When thinking about improvements was there a huge outcry to make play calling different?

Jump the snap is nothing but a lobby exploit and terribly annoying an unrealistic. Guys already getting sacks in under a second with legends like Ryan Kerrigan.

The commentary has been useless for many years, zero improvemnet there. Instead of having Nance and Simms spout the same awkard (many times nonsensical to the situation) crap they have been saying for three maddens, why not hire two nobodies who have all the time in the world to provide some actual insight or a volume of non repetitive dialouge. (dig up those fake 2k5 announcers, they were amazing)

One inexcusable flaw that has persisted for years (just one example) is not being able to do something simple as choosing your KO team. How can this still not be an option? With less xp available, it should let you pick some young guys or back ups on defense to play special teams at your whim, if you choose to use starters they would tire out or get hurt more. But let it be an option, nothing I hate more than seeing a valuble player wasting his time as a KO gunner.

Also commish mode in OLF is still lacking. Ever try getting 32 people across the country for a draft? Impossible. So why not let the commish have the option to draft players for people who cant make it, or do depth chart fixes, or help in resigning players if people cant get to their team.

Once again our league will have to go third party with a daddy league site due to EA being so lacking.

Looks like since jump the snap is some new horrible idea, it will be front and center the most important thing to master or something sim leagues will have to cut out entirley as user skill will trump the player ratings on this one.

All in all, it would be nice to see a review that doesnt bow down to the god of EA in fear of not getting an advance copy and tells it like it is. Or maybe start out with the stuff they never fix before stroking EA's ego in the begining paragraph out of fear.
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