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Old 08-27-2014, 01:46 PM   #138
TeamHawkins's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Florida
Re: Madden NFL 15: Retail First Impressions

I have serious issues with the turning upfield after receiving a pass, especially on sideline routes, and screens. It is almost 90% guaranteed that your player will either run out of bounds or do some stupid animation that forces him to run backwards a few steps, have a hard time turning around, and get tackled.

My other gripe is the same thing for interceptions. It's like the slight pause just after the interception allows the defenders to get a jump, and once the animation resumes, you are tackled after minimal gain. I found to counter this is to simply take the interception and allow the cpu A.I. to take control for a few yards, and THEN you can finish off the run. I've seen the cpu break a few tackles and I then take control and get a nice chunk. But if I try to take control immediately, I'm pretty much tackled.
"The Mind is a terrible thing to waste"
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