08-27-2014, 11:52 PM
Re: Strat Football
Played a lot of APBA as a kid. Last year I got the tabletop gaming bug. In the past year Ive played some STRAT and APBa baseball. Really like Replay baseball.
On the football front Ive played some more APBA football. Now playing Inside Blitz NCAA football and will likely purchase the NFL version (Insidesportsgames.com I believe). The two games are a little different.
Really like Classic college hoops as well--great table top game.
Checkout table top gaming forum at delphi forums. Also on Delphi forums see the PT games forum, APBA Between the Lines, Replay BB forum, Skeetersoft forum, and a zillion others.
Tabletop is fun. I know there are pc sims but I hate looking at the computer and pressing buttons--it puts me to sleep. Rolling dice keeps me involved.