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Old 08-28-2014, 01:44 PM   #325
actionhank's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jan 2010
Re: NHL 15 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by skinfan31
I think this games detractors are crazy and should appreciate the fact that they have a NHL option to play. In an era where sports games are disappearing faster than I can shake a stick at, I'm thrilled to have hockey on my next generation consoles. I'm very happy both graphically, and game play wise. It looks great on my system. It's a must buy for me!!
Everyone's going to have differing opinions. But, that logic isn't very sound. It's like telling someone "You shouldn't complain about getting punched in the face once, because you're at least not getting punched twice."

Most of the people have been pretty respectful in their criticism, but a lot of people are frustrated with the continuing problems that have remained for a while, and we had hoped would be gone on Next-Gen. I'm waiting until i can get some actual hands on time with the final game before i decide to buy. I'd much rather drop 2 dollars on a one-night play through than to drop 60+ on a game that might frustrate me after a few weeks the same way NHL14 did.
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