09-02-2014, 04:10 PM
Fear Me
OVR: 17
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 7,286
Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)
Well,this is my 1 week anniversary with Madden,and I can honestly say I enjoy it the same as last week.
Now,some of you will say "it's only been a week"....but in past versions,about a week or 2 was all that was needed to see that it was going to be a tough year,and had me looking for the next game to get so I could trade in Madden.
This year?....completely different. There's not 1 area of the game that I can pinpoint, well other than penalties...that I can honestly say I don't enjoy.
I've read through most of the impressions thread,and glanced through some of the threads....and I'll just say,while some are warranted,the majority I've seen are issues that CAN be dealt with with sliders....but folks would rather complain than look for solutions.
The last thing I'll say...is OF the complaints I've read,if these things get patched,then I'm done....I'm not going to point out specifics,as I don't "name and shame"....but I feel the guys at EA are FINALLY on the right track,and I would hate for the "complainers" to get the game dumbed down just so they can be successful.