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Old 09-02-2014, 07:10 PM   #430
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jan 2007
Re: NHL 15 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (Xbox One, PS4)

Originally Posted by bigwill33
EA "worked" on the AI several years ago when they put in all the different formations. It was the year after Tampa went to the conference finals, beating my Pens along the way, playing their 1-3-1 system.

I remember Rammer being so geeked that they had all of these new AI formations in the game and he made all of the videos that showcased them all off.

Well, they haven't touched them since. And the entire AI goes wonky if you pull a man out of position or get beat or caught. Not to mention that they don't know how to adapt or play basic hockey outside of those formations should they be attacked with something that takes advantage of it. So when you play a computer and beat their formation with a tactic, good luck to them recognizing it and fixing the break.

Combine that with all of the other shortcomings of the game's AI and it makes for some ugly hockey at times.
This goes back to my point I made a couple of days ago. I truly believe they have no idea on how to improve the AI. This should have been a before next gen improvement. Im just starting to take the game for what it is. We will never see a Real Hockey Video game from EA or at least from this current dev team. It's so unfortunate that there's no competition.
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