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Old 09-04-2014, 02:21 PM   #5
Shon 23
Shon 23's Arena
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Re: Quinn's Sliders (Armor & Sword base set w/ tweaks)

Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
I have thinking long and hard about catch to 90 as well ever since you mentioned it. I agree with you on that. I just want to make sure the games stay balanced in regards to QB%. But in the end it's about how the game plays period.

Normal speed is what has me very curious though. May just try normal speed with my set to start and see what happens. I also don't want to use the QB edits in my proper CFM. I go 4-6 seasons deep in my CFM and the edits will be worthless by year 3 or 4.

Just waiting for that big patch + mizzou's re-rated 53 man roster to start my true CFM.
Yeah, I hear you about the QB edits ending up being worthless in a long running CFM. That is unfortunate, that we can't edit rookies if EA doesn't plan on fixing the sack issues this year. For WR catching and INTs, I just hate using the "invisible wall" as a way to counter-balance out stats. At least with INTs, the more you play the game and get used to reading the defense, the better you are at avoiding the INTs.

With WR catching at 90, I just go back to watching all the games I've seen in real life and you never really see that many drops on wide open receivers, but you are right, we don't want super high completion percentages either. I believe that is where the QB accuracy comes into play some though. The elites will throw well (maybe an errant pass every once in a while) against mediocre teams and not do terrible or struggle too much against pretty good defenses, the above average QBs should have pretty good games with a few errant passes here and there, but not dominate totally, and the lower-tiered QBs should struggle with errant passes more often and not have too much of a chance against a good defense. If it's a lower-tiered QB against somewhat equal competition, I'd like to see some balance though, but their defense has to play well too, that's where the INTs come in, and puts the offense back on the field. I do believe QB accuracy at 10 is the best balance you came up with. It just seems QBs play differently in different games when it comes to their decision making on throwing the ball, but 10 is a good way to balance out the lower-tiered QBs from the above average, to the elite, in my opinion.

That is my opinion on all those changes anyway.

Last edited by Shon 23; 09-04-2014 at 02:24 PM.
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