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Old 09-04-2014, 04:02 PM   #230
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Money99's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by phillyfan23
I understand the negativity of the board, as nhl 15 is missing A LOT traditional features and the dev team should get flak for it. But me....I don't care of being a GM, drafting, trading, editing goalies. I just want a solid authentic game experience ON ICE.

So can we get more gameplay impressions? If the gameplay is solid without any player edits:

1) good scoring feel
2) no cpu robo-passing
3) cpu defenders are pretty aggressive on the blue line..
4) no comeback AI
5) playing the kings is significantly different and harder than playing the flames.
6) 3-4 penalties a game per team.

I can play the game using PLAY NOW exclusively until next year. I really can....

I realize that doesn't have a good chance of happening with nhl 15, but the demo's more aggressive CPU D-men gave me hope for this series. Also, the elimination of cpu robo passing was a huge surprise for me. these were 2 of my 3 biggest gameplay complaints for the last 5 years. The 3rd being not enough penalties. If people play 12 minute periods and can get 7-8 penalties on average per game....then that would be great.

more on ice gameplay impressions please

Great post.
I'm in the same boat as all those extra modes mean nothing to me.
We're 12 pages in and there aren't a lot of actual gameplay impressions.
I understand everyone's frustrations of what's not in the game, but can some people provide insight into what is in the game - namely gameplay?
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