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Old 09-04-2014, 04:49 PM   #235
canucksss's Arena
OVR: 13
Join Date: Jan 2003
Re: NHL 15 Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by bigwill33
I mean there isn't much to it. Rather than list what is missing here is what you get:

-You have a calendar of regular season games you can play for your one NHL team that you choose.

-There is a salary cap.

-You can send players to your minor league affiliate's logo and have them listed on a minor league roster and call them back up.

-You edit your lines.

-Make trades and sign free agents.

-You can assign your team's uniform numbers and captaincy.

There ya go.
Basically the features in BaGM of NHL 13 or even 12 are better than 15.

Originally Posted by CarryTheWeight
Now with a tremendously nerfed Be a GM and player editing features seemingly gone, I seriously hope EA Canada takes the same approach they did with UFC and add free features/content updates throughout the year. That's an example of a game that's doing it right, and that will be the one of the only things that could potentially save the damage that's already been done to NHL's reputation.
I understand that in today's releases their game and then patch/tune it later. I accept that as long as they are just addressing whatever was not noticed in their final check before its release.

But if EA will release a patch/tuner later to bring back what they took off is unacceptable. Because consumers paid the full price to play the game for the full year. If EA will release a patch/tuner 2-3 months after release, they are robbing the gamers of playing and enjoying the game for a year...that is the cost of $60.
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