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Old 09-09-2014, 05:46 AM   #76
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Playmakers's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Twitter Chat with Executive Producer Sean O'Brien, No Sliders Confirm

I'm not going to say what I really want to say about EA's direction with this series the past few years now....So I'll keep clean

To be quite frank this is why I don't post very much at all on the Live boards because it's obvious they have moved on from things like sliders that allowed us to customize the gameplay to fit our needs and instead they are forcing us to play B-Ball their way because somehow or someway they got the feedback that their way represented the best gameplay out of the box hands down and their AI is superior to anything we've ever seen before........

It's really not even worth the time complaining about it anymore you can either buy their game and play it the way they want you to play it or you can keep your $60 bucks in your pocket and wait til NEXT YEAR AGAIN.....

Either way I don't think they give a rats u know what.....which is obvious since they completely ignored one of the biggest request (Sliders) on these boards and probably several other gaming sites.

Ask EA to take a look at the Roster and Sliders forums over here and compare it to their rivals if they think it's not a big deal to their customers...

Those boards have been pretty much useless for the past 2 years now and that won't change this year either because of the lack of editing control we have.

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Last edited by Playmakers; 09-09-2014 at 05:56 AM.
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