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Old 09-10-2014, 10:39 AM   #982
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Originally Posted by SmashMan
I've noticed this (apparent immediate CPU block shedding when user hits R2) with running backs, but not so much with the QB. I'm not a big scrambler so I don't have a huge sample size for this, but I've been able to consistently get positive yards when I've had to scramble with a QB. Sometimes it's two or three and sometimes it's ten or more, but very rarely am I attacked right off the line or sacked on scrambles.
My main point with the QB scramble thing was how the LB's who sit back and wait 5 years when the CPU QB scrambles are the same LB's for the CPU who rush immediately when the user QB scrambles. (And on that note, when the user scrambles and presses R2 not only does the LB's rush immediately, but the D-Linemen chase you and become the Flash as well once it's pressed).
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