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Old 09-10-2014, 02:35 PM   #1
Steve_OS's Arena
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NBA Live 15 Shown Last Night at GameSpot Expo, Not Shown Today at All

NBA Live 15 was shown to GameStop managers last night. Some gamers had an opportunity to play as well, including NBA rookie of the year, Michael Carter-Williams.

I heard from a few people this morning, that the game was pulled from the GameStop Expo show floor, but that wasn't the case. It was only being shown last night. So there were no plans to show the game at all today.

And to that, I have to ask... WHY NOT?!?!?

What a great location to show what you have to the public. Is a three week delay really going to change the way the game is played at this very moment? Doubtful.

Instead of open letters the team should let gamers play the game at these specific events, let them provide real feedback, tweet about their experiences and get more word out about the game.

I want NBA Live 15 to succeed, but they are making it hard for me to believe in them.

NBA Live fans deserve better.
Steve Noah
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Last edited by Steve_OS; 09-10-2014 at 03:09 PM.
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