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Old 09-10-2014, 04:56 PM   #105
WTF's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by Ermolli
Now that I've seen it I agree it looks rough.

In one video I liked the cut by George that left Hill open for the pass in the out of bounds play; found terrible that Pacers #2 disregarded Westbrook aggressive attempt to steal the ball, he could've protected the ball or drive to his right but stood still and got stripped.

In the second video I thought that the entry pass to the post seemed floaty, going up in a weird way; nice that number #2 cut with speed to the corner while Hill went to the basket, it was awful how any of the three Thunder players didn't go for the rebound, how's that possible?

And those animations were painful to watch specially when Hill attacked to the basket, I know that they added signature animations but how about the basic ones? They have or should've stepped up in that department, how can they still have some bad ones after all these years?
It is USER vs USER. That's why the Pacers player stood still even though Westbrook was trying to pick him. If you want to "guard/protect" the ball, you manually have to do it.

The rebounding, that is an issue that I saw though. Not sure what's going on with that in the video.
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