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Old 09-11-2014, 01:02 AM   #1
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jul 2014
Madden 15 player progression

So, I've gone through 9 seasons on ccm I felt like giving ya'll my opinion of it.

Firstly, this is by far the best CCM experience i've had. The sim stats aren't perfect (sacks, ints and YPC are off) but after the patch progression is the best it's been.

2. Yes, QB's tank fast. However, only starting QB's of LOSING teams. If matt Ryan has 3 losing seasons in a row it's not out of the question for him to be relegated to backup status. Look at Matt Schaub.

3. There seems to be a good mix of wiley veterans and rookies among the ranks of the elite(except maybe WR). Its all based on how they play and whether they are on a winning team. Im unsure if players on continually terrible teams fail to progress, however year 1 bad teams can become great teams through simulation.

4. I don't know how common this is, but had a 33 year old CB drop from 84 speed to 64 after the end of a season. No injury. I don't know if thats realistic.

5. 9 years through and 36 year old Adrian peterson still at 91 speed and 95 ovr. Marshawn Lynch(35 years old) however has dropped to 83 ovr, 76 speed. It seems semi random whether or not a player will regress. Anywhere from 31- 3x could see a star become a chump. Many of the completely OP players will stay in the league forever however. Also, 32+ year olds who have regressed significantly in the 80 ovr's like to stay in the league. In general wish they would let random injuries reduce player skill on top of poor performance. Probably too many 32+ year olds outside of the QB position.

6. Not much too complain about, the game is more than solid.

Last edited by Knelltone; 09-11-2014 at 03:55 AM.
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