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Old 09-11-2014, 09:14 AM   #196
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Some quick thoughts after one night playing. Keep in mind I have not played any NHL game in over 5 years.

A skill trainer would be helpful. Practice Mode is as basic as you can get. It's ok I guess, but not exactly deep enough for a novice like me to learn much when using. I might have to play with the medium camera while I learn the controls before committing to True Broadcast. Think that could be the fastest way to get everything down.

Players feel more weighted than other sports games on the market. And in a game played on ice that's a welcomed surprise. Really happy about that.

Shot Stick is going to take some getting used to. NHL games have come a long way since I last played, or I'm just getting old (A little of both to be honest). Same goes for big hits. Lining those things up is tough.

Not the best looking sports game out there, but it's not bad by any means. Like seeing Chara tower over other players in True Broadcast Mode. Commentary is a let down considering who is in the booth. NBC overlays look nice. Replays and cut scenes could use some work. Still, presentation is passable.
Lack of different game modes is/never was a problem for me. Just getting back to playing NHL all I was going to play is Play Now and Be A GM anyway. I do sympathize with veterans of the series who miss modes they have grown to expect, though.

Most importantly the game is fun. That's all that matters to me in the end. I know nothing about lingering issues from past games. Don't want to learn of the either so I will most likely continue to avoid the forums for the most part.

NHL should serve as a nice alternative to Madden 15 for months to come. Glad I decided to buy it.
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