Its sounding like thats the case. I dont know why they cant just fix all the little issues that plagued Association mode, as thats my determining factor on if I buy the game or not this year.
Im sick of created players causing glitches in Associaton every year, and when trying to back date a roster back to Opening Night will get you glitches. These things have been issues for a while now yet every year they are still not fixed.
I did enjoy NBA2k14 more so than any other NBA game ever, but if they want my money this year then they are going to have to fix the issues I mentioned or I will stick with NBA2k14, rather than waste money for a game with gimmick modes that I will never play. IM a Association only guy as is still the good majority of players, so not sure why they cant just focus on that mode, instead of adding in gimmick modes each year that are worthless.