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Old 09-17-2014, 03:55 PM   #355
jake19ny's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Has anyone noticed that every game feels the same? I mean there is no difference from a Rangers vs Flyers game or a Rangers vs Flames game. In fact I can't tell if I'm playing at home or away it doesn't seem to matter. This is not a specific knock in NHL 15 but in the series all together. I just think since this version is so barren all the little things that are wrong get magnified. I remember a version a few years back had rivalry match ups but I don't recall it having much affect on the game. Not really a big deal but since were left with just or playoff mode (when it comes) play now it would be cool if certain games were amped up
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