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Old 09-20-2014, 05:40 PM   #1
(aka Alberto)
aholbert32's Arena
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Zero Tolerance in the NBA Live forum (PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!!)

A little over a month from release, the mods will be paying specific attention to the NBA Live forums. Zero Tolerance is generally in effect throughout all of OS but mods will be significantly less lenient when it comes to trolling, agenda posting and personal attacks.

Let me reiterate what is expected out of you, the OS user:

Do not, under any circumstance, attack a user or guest of OS. That INCLUDES staff, game developers, and regular users. You may question (CONSTRUCTIVELY) an opinion. But if you attack the user (includes name calling and calling them a liar) you will be banned.

Trolling and agenda posting are specifically against the TOS. We know that there is another basketball game for sale. You may prefer that game over NBA Live. But you are not allowed to compare Live to that game in this forum. Comparison threads are permitted in the Other Basketball games forums. People who ignore this will be banned.

Bans will come very swiftly. We don't like doing it, but it is an unfortunate necessity of a large number of vocal minority who just seem hell bent on making this place as negative as possible.

This thread will remain open (as always) for feedback. And before you become the first poster to mention, your first amendment right doesn't apply on a privately owned forum.

Also, please keep in mind - we don't allow multiple usernames at OS. That also means if you get banned, we can and will ban you again just for creating another username to post.

Last edited by aholbert32; 09-20-2014 at 05:44 PM.
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