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Old 09-21-2014, 02:25 AM   #138
City_foxx's Arena
OVR: 0
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Indianapolis
Originally Posted by KobeBean8
That's not what's unrealistic about it. You pressing "X" or "Square" and the CPU shoots it on command is unrealistic. IRL, if someone yells for someone to shoot the ball or pass it sometimes they ignore them and do their own thing. I see some players wide open calling for the ball or players posting up demanding the ball and still don't get it. Ive seen LeBron begging for the ball and Chalmers just look him off and do whatever. Same w/ Kobe and other players that's like on court coaches.

You're only controlling your player, you should not be able to tell the CPU what to do on command. I want to call for the ball sometimes, but not get it every single time I call for it.

They just need to work on the AI and make them play like the regular AI.
I agree with the calling for ball part. Shouldnt be 100 percent. But the flawed ai need a shoot prompt. Were all like 90% sim players in here we wouldnt ask our teamate to shoot at inappropriate times. The real reason i think this badge was created was to cover up some game play issues like not being able to let cpu pg call plays or coach. My career was almost unplayable out side the pg spot for me.
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