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Old 09-21-2014, 08:05 PM   #111
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Re: No NBA 2K15 Demo This Week, Might Not See One

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Not money...time. You dont want the demo to misrepresent the final version of the game and in order to do that you would have to wait until later in production to produce the demo. That takes away time that could be used to focus on things that will be in the retail version.

There is a reason why companies are moving away from demos. Games like NBA 2k and Madden sell themselves because of exclusivity and track record. There arent a ton of people who need a demo to convince them to buy the game. They know by now if they like 2k Basketball or Madden football.

So why release a demo that 1) wont represent the final product and 2) isnt likely to convince a ton of people to buy the game. Releasing a bad demo can be detrimental to a good game (see EA UFC) and its rare that even a good demo convinces people to buy a game thats already a mainstay.
There are tons of new gamers on the market who have never played 2K in their life and would buy it it they played the demo. Why are you acting like everyone in the world has played 2K before and know if they like it or not?
titans321 is offline  
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