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Old 09-22-2014, 11:47 AM   #144
UnbelievablyRAW's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: No NBA 2K15 Demo Confirmed

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
And a lot of games don't release demos - what difference does it make?
This is irrelevant. If 2k15 was shown with heavily downgraded graphics and said, "well Live's graphics suck too so why should we make our's good?" would you be okay with that? Other games don't matter

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
This isn't some new IP or reimagining of the series. As has been essentially said, it doesn't make sense for 2K to waste time developing a demo to sway someone that is that damn fickle. Historically, 2K's demos have been pretty bare to begin with. You can't sit around being hyper-detailed on what issues you have in the game then expect most/all to be answered with a 5min quarter demo. These are people that are looking more for reasons not to buy than anything.
The demo's purpose is too showcase the core gameplay experience. The demo would show people that the core gameplay experience has improved over last years. You're making it sound as if this iteration would play the exact same as 2k14 so we should know what it will play like. You can tell in a 5 minute quarter if the CPU still over rotates on defense when a player drives down the middle, you can tell if the CPU still leaves 5 feet between them and their man on the perimeter etc

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
The excuses are borderline ridiculous. Complaining that 2K didn't release a gameplay dev diary? Basically complaining that 2K didn't tell them what they wanted to hear - when they're accusing 2K of not telling the truth to begin with...? If 2K had released a demo, it would've been some other complaint:
You're right the excuses are ridiculous. We have people here that think its egregious to believe someone would like to hear more about how the core gameplay has been improved in detail like they have done in the past as it is as, if not more important than having mocapped cheerleaders.

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
- It's too short.
- It's not online.
- Doesn't have access to [whatever feature the person deems important].
- Can't tell if simulated stats are fixed.
The demos for 2k have always been 1 quarter, with plays locked, and with the previous years finalists. In your hypothetical situation, why would people be complaining about the length of the game's or simulated stats or access to other features?

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
It would be any number of excuses/complaints just so they can keep complaining. Even if 2K'd knocked a demo out of the park, I'm sure the excuse would've been "It's just a demo/not the final version".
That wouldn't make sense. If the demo was great why would people assume the actual game would suck?

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Most of us would like to have a demo just to have something to try out/play in the time between now and when the game releases. But basing your whole opinion on whether the game has a demo or not? Then do yourself - and us - a favor by not purchasing the game. It's an unrealistic expectation that it's going to play completely different than it did when it released 9 months ago, when most were acknowledging it was one of the best playing basketball games to date.
I wouldn't be trying the demo to pass the time, I would be playing it too see if the gameplay improved enough for me to buy this years game. How the CPU reacts and plays, the defense etc are things that you see every time you play a game of 2k. You're telling me if you go back and play 1 quarter of NBA 2k12 (multiple times) you wouldn't be able to tell if it was an improvement or not from NBA 2k14 from a core gameplay perspective?
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