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Old 09-22-2014, 01:03 PM   #157
El_Poopador's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Re: No NBA 2K15 Demo Confirmed

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
If you're only going to look at the situation in a vacuum and not take anything else into account, then I'd say you're being extremely fickle and particular, and likely would never be satisfied. Given NBA2K's history, everything they've announced to date in terms of how various game modes have been enhanced (which was THE biggest complaint here last year), 2K's continued effort in signing experienced game designers and respected, talented community members to their team to practically form a Dream Team development team, the fact that 2K14's games (both last gen and this gen) were fairly highly regarded from a gameplay perspective, the fact that the game has historically been one of the best sports games in terms of gameplay slider customizations, etc...
You're right; they have addressed one of the biggest complaints in terms of adding/revamping/fleshing out modes. But that doesn't mean they address my issues with the game. Like I said above, I wasn't satisfied enough with 2k14's gameplay and AI on the court to justify a purchase of 2k15 without seeing firsthand what has been changed.

and you're still going to tell me you feel "on-court issues I had last year weren't touched"?

Give me a break. It's your right to be as picky as you want. But 2K literally has to thread the needle with gamers like you. Imo not worth chasing when you're likely going to find any little thing to your dissatisfaction. These guys aren't infallible, the game isn't going to be perfect. If they haven't earned the benefit of the doubt by now in your eyes, best not to purchase the game.
I never said I expected perfection. And I don't expect every single issue I had to be fixed, especially in a single cycle. But, with the lack of information, I can't help but be cautious. Hopefully they prove me wrong and some of the major issues I had last year will be fixed, but until I am able to see it for myself, I can't make an informed decision.

Again - when have they ever "rehashed" the on-court game? Last year, they do a lot from a gameplay perspective and it's complained they didn't do enough with the features. This year they make that a focus and now the gameplay's a question lol. I guess they just hired all those new gameplay-centric guys (to an already strong team) for show?
Again, I never said they did nothing. But, until I see otherwise, it still lies within the realm of possibility that major issues I (personally) had went unaddressed. They've released a bunch of news on modes and features, which is great. But why can't the same amount of information be released for the area where I would be spending 90% of my time with the game?

It's a videogame. It isn't a house or a car requiring some huge purchasing decision. If it does, then better to hold off purchasing if you feel the "gameplay hasn't been addressed" because they haven't told you it has been lol.
No one has to tell me that anything has been addressed. But if they are not going to come out with information on what has been worked in directly, then that's where a demo would suffice, so that I can see the changes for myself. But, I have a hard time making a purchase on blind faith.

Last edited by El_Poopador; 09-22-2014 at 01:09 PM.
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