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Old 09-24-2014, 02:06 PM   #62
lakers24's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Re: Check out Pharrell Williams in NBA 2K15

Originally Posted by kadzier
I personally think you can chalk up any feeling of "trying" to sound black to the subpar voice acting. As far as the actual dialogue and word choice goes, seems pretty accurate for a young, and most likely hip NBA player, I know plenty of black and non black dudes who talk like that.
It's bad voice acting and also not having an actual person who fits that role playing it, which is why it sounds like trying to hard. I'm 22 and I don't speak that way. I'm not saying they should swear(I know that's not happening), but they are missing a lot of mannerisms and slight slang or accents for a young person. Right now you have someone imitating a script someone wrote of how they think a young player would talk.
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