Bad dialogue, bad acting, and bad scripts are just that - they're bad. And in fairness, since "good" or "bad" is in the eye of the beholder, it'll always be open to interpretation. But I fail to see what may be so worrisome about a niche audience that does not appreciate what they feel to be underwhelming and poorly executed aspects of the game.
I'd have to do a tally, but it appears as if many of the folks objecting to the immersion-harming manner with which they included Pharrell (while many have offered what may have been more realistic ways of including him) are the same people who've lauded many of the other additions 2K's made thus far. To offer a perspective from the other side, sometimes it feels the board can welcome and praise the majority of a game's decisions but the moment some reasonably object to something, they can be referred to as, "If this attitude represents the niche that 2k has supposedly gone away from....I can't say I blame them."
Perhaps it'd be easier to add signatures beneath each user name detailing each aspect they approve and disapprove of so far alongside a reasoning so the generalizations may be stifled a little.
Separately, without going too far into depth (unless one wishes), additions of Mighty Ducks dialogue to a player who is supposed to represent oneself (i.e.
MyPlayer) in an NBA simulation seems to be a little bit removed from however a game like Metal Gear or Grand Theft Auto may choose to operate. Kind of seems like a tough comparison there. One (NBA 2K) is both insinuated (and historically & openly trumpeted) as being the world's #1 basketball simulation. I am unsure if real life simulation is what anyone signs up for when they buy Metal Gear. Maybe a little apples to oranges there.
That said, folks have historically
loved when 2K added little things... when they make sense and fall in line with the expectations of a real life simulator. Even when they added the American flag stickers to the backboard in 2K3, that was awesome, because it made sense and it positively contributed to the mission of an NBA simulation product.