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Old 09-24-2014, 02:31 PM   #72
OVR: 1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Re: Check out Pharrell Williams in NBA 2K15

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I look at MyPlayer mode as entering into a work of fiction....and as it's been said, we all have varying opinions on how close to reality we want that. If I had Pharrell talking to me during quick games, MyGM or MyLEAGUE I would have an entirely different view.

MyPlayer never really entered fictional narrative until MyCareer. MyPlayer let you tell/enact most of your own story. It gave you the NBA experience without making you not you except where necessary for interview dialogue. But you had enough control that it was just an unfortunate limitation of the technology that you couldn't have your own voice in the game. But when they take over your personality and your thoughts... The "My" story becomes a lot less interesting and compelling (in addition to questionable dialogue quality itself).
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