Little by little, the
Madden series continues to chip away at its long list of legacy issues and shortcomings.
Madden 15 is a solid step better than its predecessors (Connected Career mode bugs aside), but EA seems to timid to take that gigantic leap that so many other series have already taken. The leap that
NBA 2K took when you could look at a picture of James Harden and not be able to tell the difference between a game and real life, or the leap
The Show took when little things like a beach ball being knocked around the stadium wasn't just a clever detail - it was a clever detail built on hundreds of others.
These are arbitrary examples, of course. When and if games have reached that new level of realism is largely a subjective thing, but if there's a consensus, and I think there is, it's that Madden
hasn't made that leap yet.
Read More - Madden NFL 15's Five Areas Which Need Improvement for Next Year