09-30-2014, 11:37 AM
OVR: 12
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: In the Tech
Re: NBA 2K15 Player Ratings Arranged By Team
Gotta say that in perspective both Pau (82) and David West seem underrated.
I wouldn't say West is only a point better than, for example Larry Sanders (almost criminally overrated at 79, I know He is supposedly this defensive beast, but he REALLY slipped last year) or that he isn't as good as Pekovic (who is almost as good as Pau with 81).
All in all I like the spread,although I might have liked it if it was just a tad more spaced (a bit to crowded IMHO in the 74-79 range).
Of course these are only ratings and only the overalls so it's no biggie, as long as it plays properly on the court and in the franchise modes then I'm cool with it.