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Old 10-03-2014, 10:33 PM   #6
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Re: NBA 2k15 Impressions Thread

Will update more as i play more

To put my next statment in context, i loved 2k11, hated 2k12, liked 2k13, loved last gen 2k14, and HATED 2k14 current gen.

NBA 2k15 is the best 2k game ive ever played.

+ footplanting is weight is more evident than its ever been.

+ on-ball defense is realistic in the fact that shifting directions matter and no suction perimeter animation can save you.

+ contested shots are not automatic nor are forced shots in the paint

+ when Beds posted the overalls there was doubt, but there is good variety. He did gas some ratings ex: aldridge and love considering their terrible from close range and he got them at 88 and 85.

+defense is better on pick and rolls and smarter overall. nice rotations

+Movement is responsive and percise

-there is this odd slow down animation after cross overs that is clearly for balancing purposes. it would make sense if done when fatigued, but it happens all the time it seems....NEVERMIND...its a hesitation window that opens up when you dont hold speed bursts after the crossover.

+players dont fly around on blocks and steal attempts

+in transition there is an explosion from quick players that was missing, and bigs dont seem to have that catch up ability.
to be continued

- played GFs brother and he was able to sprint up court after an inbounds with Rose and easily get by his defender. Took a bit too much effort to stop this IMO. I cant figure out if it was a matter of the cpu not back peddling when i had them "gap" him, or if the default shuffle speed of the defender wasnt fast enough. Only havent really been able to replicate this against the cpu, but the better i get with ISO, the more i lean towards the shuffle speed being a lil slow.

-shot timing is incredibly important on superstar, and as one of the team up players said, you cant help but watch it as a result. Also, if playing games online in general have taught me anything, its that there is always someone out there with incredible timing be it to cheese or to excel at a part of a game, and someone WILL master this shot meter.

-im thinking head to head there may need to be a boost in defensive awareness and or on ball defense. After multiple games, its apparent the defense isnt as stout as it is against the computer. on- ball defenders dont back peddle when a ball handler is sprinting towards them, and that opens up issues in transition or when a person is just forcing the issue.

Last edited by 2_headedmonster; 10-04-2014 at 10:34 PM.
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