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Old 10-07-2014, 05:06 PM   #7
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: An epiphany about penalty sliders

This is all good information, but the fact is that certain sliders don't work. Someone said on Clint Oldenburg's twitter that he hadn't seen holding called in 40+ games. His response? I'm not surprised. He also says penalties are a "feature, not a patch item." So certain penalties not working and not being called is a design choice by the developers?? SMH

If increasing the holding slider to 100 should make OL hold their blocks longer and should trigger more holding animations (which you're right, it should), and I significantly lower OL AWR, RBK and PBK, I should see holding penalties galore. I tried this. I saw none. I put my copy up for sale after reading the patch notes & Oldenburg's comments. It is frustrating to see this year after year, especially since the issue with the holding slider didn't exist in M25 (same engine), and I know OPI and DPI haven't worked right for years. An NFL football game that only calls false starts, encroachment, and facemask penalties at a realistic rate is not a realistic representation of football.
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