If you look up the page from your post, you will see my instructions quoted. They are the "rough" version that I thought I would be able to edit right in the post, but was wrong. Regardless, take a look at it. Some of it might address your question. The relevant part is probably:
The roster file structure is a bit different from Madden 25 to Madden 15, but you can import/export them.How to do that?
1. Open a Madden 25 (or other roster file that it can handle), right click on the player you want to add in Madden 15, and “export player.It will pull the Excel csv file of the player.Open the individual player csv with Excel.
2. In the M25 (or earlier) player csv
- delete the following columns: TCFM, TCSM
- change TRCS to PYCS
- change TRCF to PYCF
- Save the player csv file
If you add TCFM and TCSM columns, and change PYCS to TRCS, PYCF to TRCF (everything in reverse), should work. I have no idea what to base the new value of the new columns on, but the best bet is to take a look at a few decent players and see what the value is to guess what it should be.
Eventually, some kid will come in here with a list and tell us what it means so you can decide what it should be.