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Old 10-28-2014, 12:02 PM   #6
BL8001's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Re: NBA Live 15 and First In-Game Update Available Today, Post Your Impressions

I saw EA updated the Cav's court so I wanted to check it out. Also wanted to see if they snuck in face scan for Elfrid Payton (they didn't yet) so I took the Magic to cleveland.

The court looked great. LeBron, Love and Kyrie destroyed me.

The Cav's jumped out to a 10-4 lead and then kept increasing the lead.

I was down by 18 at Half. Midway through the 3rd when it got to be a 22 pt cav's lead I switched sides. Holy smokes, no wonder, the Cav's are amazing to use.

So far playing the Early Access and then the full game the main thing I am impressed with is bad teams are bad and good teams are really good. The ratings really matter and if this is synergy's doing then ALL HAIL SYNERGY. This is the first EA game that I have played (and I have played a ton of them) where team ratings matter. So I am sitting here thinking who I can use to beat the Cav's and jeez who to beat the Spurs with?

Every other EA game I choose a lower rated team just so I don't destroy the CPU.

In my experience with NBA live 15, you choose a weak team and you are going to struggle against better teams.

The patch has smoothed things out. I have only played 2 games post patch so I am still noticing/investigating the changes.
resident curmudgeon
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